Simple nail cutting, hard skin and painful corn removal can be easily carried out in a comfortable place in your own home. Whether you struggle to leave the bedroom or chair or even if you don't, a home visit is the easiest most convenient way to take care of foot complaints.
Following your assessment, nails are cut, thinned and reshaped where required. All hard skin is sharp debrided using a scalpel, smoothed and emollient applied to bring your feet back to a more comfortable, presentable standard. This can normally be carried out in a single appointment for the standard call out fee of £40.
Please refer to our price list for more information.
Sometimes all that is required is a regular, 2-3 month nail cut for otherwise healthy nails for otherwise healthy people. If leaving your home or finding the time to attend a traditional clinic is a problem for you then our Podiatrists can visit you at home instead. Subject to an assessment of the health of the patient and feet, a simple nail cut is easily provided and at a reduced rate. Please refer to our price list for more information.
Where callus, particularly on the soles of the feet and heels is heavier than normal, fissures or splitting of the skin can occur leading to painful bleeding sites that are vulnerable to infection.
Treatment involves expert debridement of the associated site back to normal skin, any fissures are treated to remove debris and bacteria and sealed appropriately with tissue adhesive or appropriate dressings.
Where mechanical stress on the skin is a factor, we can offer a variety of appliances, insoles or orthoses to offset this. Emollients or high quality moisturisers to combat the hard skin formation can also be provided or recommended. Please refer to our price list for more information.
An assessment will be carried out to diagnose any possible causing conditions such as fungal infections. Where the toe nails are excessively thick, long and unsightly, they can be reduced to more normal levels by burring, cutting and filing. This leaves the nails more comfortable, presentable and easily managed in the future.
Following treatment, the nail can be retained and referred on if required for testing for fungal infection and appropriate medication provided or requested from your GP.
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